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With sophisticated automation requirements on one hand and budget & schedule constraints on the other, Project Management (PM) has become the Achilles’ heel in the Oil & Gas sector. The biggest challenge in PM is negotiating the entire team (automation vendors, construction vendors, I&C project teams and I&C operating teams) along the path to the end goal of an installed operational system within budget and time constraints. Our trained project management teams are there to help you achieve your project targets for applied automation systems. Our services in control houses, installation and commissioning assure timely completion of your projects without worry.

KNOWLES ICE – leveraging on our years of experience as a system integrator helps us provide a turnkey solution to all your control, instrumentation & electrical requirements. KNOWLES has successfully positioned itself as a Main Automation Contractor (MAC) for the oil & gas industry worldwide. Our past experience in ICS, Wellhead and O&M enables us to serve as a single source of automaton solution for your complete project and asset lifecycle. From project planning, through commissioning to maintenance we provide a complete end to end turnkey solution – you give us an idea and we return with a solution.

Our network of global offices, excellent vendor relations and strategically located manufacturing facilities & automation labs makes us the best global turnkey solution provider. Our worldwide network and efficient supply chain bring you the best solutions that improve your project execution, timelines, asset reliability, safety and utilization while mitigating the risks – all of which translates into reduced cost/BOE and a growing bottom line.