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With Electrical System Engineering and Design services KNOWLES fulfills its promise of being a ~ “One-Stop Shop” ~. Companies are concerned at the planning stage about the requirements of Power and Electrical Systems. They are also looking at the right load management systems that will share power loads to minimize unscheduled plant shutdowns. With our system integrator experience and automation knowledgebase developed through projects completed across the globe we help oil & gas companies in understanding which systems are best suitable for either plant upgrades or new installations.

KNOWLES’s Electrical System Engineering and Design Services are targeted towards projects where companies are searching for ideal Electrical Systems that seamlessly integrate with Control systems (existing or planned to be installed. Our prior knowledge helps to better understand the systems and any bottlenecks of deficiencies which may exist in the system. Using this we help our customers doing FEED studies and detailed engineering and design for Electrical systems for both green and brown field projects.